One by one, large pieces of concrete began falling to the side of the pile of rubble. A faint garbling could be heard coming from underneath when suddenly a creature burst forth from beneath the debris!

Bill gasped for air as he tried to make sense of the monstrosity before him. It looked vaguely like a... bean? It couldn't be. What would that even mean?

The horrified factory supervisor made his way back to the door from which he entered the building, slowly, never taking his eye off of whatever the hell was in front of him. The creature just stared back through its... eyes? Bill continued moving backwards towards the exit when he stumbled over a pile of fallen cans. The creature let out a horrific hissing sound and waved its bug-like appendage menacingly about. The other arm laid limp, but throbbed noticeably.

Bill decided his best chance to escape was to make a run for it so he turned and sprinted as fast as he could towards the exit. When he saw a clear path out of the factory he closed his eyes as he ran and began praying that he would make it to safety. As he opened his eyes again he saw the half-destroyed door and could smell the fresh air of the parking lot. He continued running even after he made it outside. Through the parking lot, through the double-door gate, and down the road leading to the factory, never looking back once.

Little did he know that back at the factory dozens more of these bean-like creatures were emerging from the shadows. High up in the observation level of the factory, looking down on the factory floor, a creature not quite like the rest of these monstrous beings sat marveling at the destruction below. A mischievous chuckle came from his clenched jaws as he chewed on a cigar and dreamt about chaos.

Continue the story..