It was a quiet night in Kernel Springs. The last employees of the day were making their way out of the town's last surviving business, the Kernel Springs Bean Factory. While many businesses were hit hard by a recent recession, the town's taste for beans was strong as ever and the factory could hardly can the precious protein fast enough.

Bill, the factory supervisor, had just secured the parking lot by pressing a padlock closed through the chains intertwined between the double-doored gate when he heard a distant whistling. He turned himself around and searched in every direction with his eyes, trying to find the source of the mysterious sound. The sound grew louder and louder until it began to sound more like roaring wind than a whistle. It was coming from above. Bill's eyes locked on a ball of fire falling from the sky right toward him.

Still in shock, Bill reacted in the only way he could think of. He quickly pulled out his cell phone and began recording a video of the fiery mass and prayed that it would crash far enough away from him that he wouldn't be hurt. He followed the image through the lens of his phone, and watched as it became obvious that he would be safe. The factory, however, would not be so lucky.


Bill watched as what must have been some sort of meteorite tore through the roof of the factory and hit the Earth with enough force to send baked beans as far as 3 miles away through the air (according to local news reports). Panicked, Bill quickly unfastened the padlock and began walking through the parking lot towards the factory as he dialed '911' on his phone. He had to see the damage for himself.

He approached the wreckage and entered the factory through a door that had been blown open. Dust was still settling when Bill heard a strange gurgling sound coming from beneath some rubble. The gurgling continued as the rubble began to move. "Oh my God, is somebody in here!? Stay still, help is on the way!" Bill shouted. But the movement continued. Slowly, large chunks of concrete were tossed aside and a shadow emerged from below.

Emerging Soon...

Continue the story..